Annual Member Meeting
On Saturday, July 13 the Van Vliet Lake Association held our annual meeting.
Thank you for those in attendance, and for those that were unable to make it the notes from that meeting are now available under the News and Reports tab.
North Lakeland Woods and Water Conference
Friday, May 3rd the North Lakeland Discovery Center in Manitowish Waters held its first Woods and Water Conference.
A representative of VVLA attended the conference for education, information sharing and review of “best practices” utilized by other Vilas County Lake Associations. The all-day conference was structured with,
- 14 Speakers/Presenters each giving between 15-20 minute subject presentations
- Topics covered a wide range of subjects including;
- Basics of Wisconsin Lake Districts
- Wake Boat Effects on Lakes
- Shoreland Habitat on the Effect on Fish Habitat
- The State of Culverts in Vilas County
- Northwoods Land Trusts
- Recognizing and Managing Terrestrial Invasive Species
Lots of information sharing, presenters included PhD Biologists, Private Business Owners, Wisconsin DNR, and staff from the Discovery Center.