North Lakeland Woods and Water Conference



Friday, May 3rd the North Lakeland Discovery Center in Manitowish Waters held its first Woods and Water Conference.

A representative of VVLA attended the conference for education, information sharing and review of “best practices” utilized by other Vilas County Lake Associations. The all-day conference was structured with,

  • 14 Speakers/Presenters each giving between 15-20 minute subject presentations
  • Topics covered a wide range of subjects including;
    • Basics of Wisconsin Lake Districts
    • Wake Boat Effects on Lakes
    • Shoreland Habitat on the Effect on Fish Habitat
    • The State of Culverts in Vilas County
    • Northwoods Land Trusts
    • Recognizing and Managing Terrestrial Invasive Species

Lots of information sharing, presenters included PhD Biologists, Private Business Owners, Wisconsin DNR, and staff from the Discovery Center.