Van Vliet Lake Zoning

Since significant zoning changes were enacted on Van Vliet Lake in 2006, a series of legislative decisions at the State level have changed both the scope and the impact of those changes.  It is important to note that the Town of Presque Isle occupies a unique niche in State zoning protocol.  While virtually all cities, towns and villages are subject to zoning restrictions and changes that were enacted in 2016, Presque Isle, due to its enactment of local zoning prior to 1959, maintains a modicum of control unavailable to other municipalities.

For the purposes of property identification, tax information, ownership and zoning status (at the Town level) please refer to the information provided at this website:

Questions or concerns regarding individual parcels, their zoning status, restrictions or allowances regarding shoreland zoning regulations and building or remodeling applications should be directed to the office of the Zoning Administrator for Presque Isle found on the Town website